Fuckin' up the ocean with BP
Hey, who needs fish?
Say, don't you wish
You were fuckin' up the ocean with BP?
Me and my friends would drill, baby, drill
And together the ocean we'd kill
I'd like to be under the sea
Fuckin' up the ocean with BP
We would have fun
'Neath that Gulf sun
With our little oil bomb beneath the waves
The fish all dead on the seabed
The Gulf of Mexico a giant grave
We would sing and dance a jig
All around our exploded rig
I'd like to be under the sea
Fuckin' up the ocean with BP
We'd be so harsh to every marsh
With our little oil bomb beneath the waves
The birds all dead, all full of lead
The Gulf of Mexico a giant grave...
But we should be so happy, you and me,
Racin' around in our giant SUVs
No need to be under the sea
To fuck up the ocean with BP
Fuckin' up the ocean with BP
Just a-fuckin' up the ocean with BP.
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